- Planas M-E, García PJ, Bustelo M, Carcamo CP, Martinez S, Ñopo H, et al. (2015) Effects of Ethnic Attributes on the Quality of Family Planning Services in Lima, Peru: A Randomized Crossover Trial. PLoS ONE 10(2): e0115274.
Working Papers and Ongoing Research
The Effect of School Counselors on Middle and High Schools Discipline.
Bergman, P., Kopko, E., & Rodriguez, J. E. (2021). A Seven-College Experiment Using Algorithms to Track Students: Impacts and Implications for Equity and Fairness (No. w28948). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Press coverage: INSIDE HIGHER EDBetter Together? The Effects of Integrated Social Services for Women.
[with M. Bustelo, S. Martinez, and M. Pérez]Jaimovich, A., Rodríguez, J., Santos, H., Bertoni, E., & Elacqua, G. (2018). Teacher Policies, Incentives, and Labor Markets in Chile, Colombia, and Peru: Implications for Equality (No. 9124). Inter-American Development Bank.
Types of School Spending and Academic Achievement.
[with G. Elacqua, A. Jaimovich, and I. Munevar]Mining and Energy Industries’ Pollution Effects on School Students’ and Teachers’ Outcomes: Evidence from Chile.